How to never get the “I have a question” client again

Let’s face it. We’ve all been there. You meet with an amazing client, have a great conversation, get a signed contract and retainer and think everything is wrapped up and that all they have to do is get married. Then comes the email. 

“I have a question about…..” insert xzy. 

A picture taken from the top looking down of a woman typing on a laptop, a calendar and coffee cup sitting beside her.

Maybe it’s a question about digital file delivery. Or their shotlist. Who will actually be photographing their wedding. Or what your contract actually means when it says “only professional photographer.” 

Whatever their question might be, it’s one that makes you slap your forehead and bury your head in your hands because why are they asking that question? Didn’t we go over that? Do I really have to explain it again? As a grown-ass adult shouldn’t they know better?

Odds are yes….you might have to explain it again because they probably got so caught up in talking with their dream wedding photographer that they weren’t actually listening to half the things you were saying. Instead they were just ogling all the pretty pictures you were showing them and dreaming about how their wedding photos would turn out. 

Or, maybe they didn’t actually read the contract that you sent them. And just signed on the dotted line (hello iTunes user agreement). 

No matter the situation, here they are, asking a question that you’ve already answered for them at least once. Or asking a question that might seem like your 5 year old niece would know the answer. And you’ve got to deal with it. 

How to never get the “I have a question” client again

My dear there are a few ways that you can handle this. You can either:

  1. Spend 15-20 minutes completely frustrated, writing an email that you can never send because it’s so brutal. 
  2. Ignore it and hope they forget about it for a few weeks until they email you again
  3. Address it
  4. Maybe this doesn’t happen to you anymore because you’ve already proactively answered all the questions they might possibly have for you. 

Believe it or not, this systems-loving girl has done all 4 of these (sure did ignore that email about digital files not being included because I HATE confrontation). And of all 4 ways to handle this situation? D is by far always the simplest, easiest, and least stressful. 

The very best way to make sure that you never get that client that asks allll the questions is to always answer those questions ahead of time for them.

I recommend keeping a list of all the random questions you get from your clients. And when you get one of those questions more than once? Write a canned email response for it, that way you don’t have to do it again. Especially if you’ve already written the damn email once before. 

In addition to writing a canned email, use this question as a blog topic. Sure, writing a blog on how your digital files will be delivered might not be the sexiest thing you’ve ever written about. But it’s a whole lot easier to drop a link to that previously written blog post in an email with other FAQs for your clients in a welcome email. 

If blog-writing isn’t your jam? Take a few minutes to record a video to drop into a canned email, or upload to Instagram or Tik Tok to answer the question ahead of time. Use this as an opportunity to educate not just this one particular client, but all of your clients and more than that, your entire audience. Additionally this means that you’ve got content to share (that you can re-share in the future), AND it helps put you in a place of authority with your clientele and the rest of your community. 

And when you can become that trusted authority figure that knows their stuff and isn’t afraid to share/show it? More people will turn to you for advice and education on the wedding photography process. 

A picture of a woman covering her face with her hands, surrounded by polaroid pictures.

Yes, doing all of this preemptively takes a little bit of time and planning on your part. Maybe it’s not something you can tackle right now. But see if you can’t outsource your blog post to your VA or copy writer. Or, put it on a list of things for you to tackle during your downtime. Because as much not-fun as it will be, it’s one less question that your clients will ask and one less email that you’ll have to write. 

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